Saturday, December 31


New Year!! I am so glad we are moving into 2006! It's almost been a month since Shane has left. He is in Iraq and awaiting internet connection in his room. I got an instant message from him yesterday. He has flown around Bagdad and said it was alot like Korea but he was more on guard because someone could shoot at him...but the likely hood of that was next to nothing. The kids have been gone since Thursday. My friend Brittany has them with her and I am picking them up today. I don't do well without them. I feel as though I am missing something. I found myself pacing early in the morning. I did put up a new quote from Wonderful Graffiti! I love this company. At Christmas time they sent me a free one for being a customer. I thought this one was perfect for my scrapbooking room. I thought about what I want for 2006-like a resolution-but I don't smoke so can't quit, I like to exercise so not a problem but I do want to take some dancing lessons. Not the kind like ballroom but like Justin Timberlake. It might be called HIP HOP? I know I'm going to look like an idiot but the three of us will do it together. My poor kids. That is my thinking outside of the box for a year. What is yours?

Tuesday, December 27

i love this little man??

My friend Brittany, whose husband is on the left of my husband in the photo from Kuwait, is visiting me for a couple of days. When I left Panama City Florida this little guy was still in her belly....I saw him a few other times but he was no older than 8 months the last time I saw him. Now he's three! Can I say I want him. He makes me want another. He told me I was his best friend. Did I say I love this little guy.

Some of you might have seen the Apache crash in Iraq today. My husband is safe...he flies Blackhawks..but unfortunately someone or two families were notified this morning of their loved one's death. This hit pretty hard and I went into panic mode for about an hour. Not until 24 hours after notification will we know the details or if another helicopter is involved. When this happens the phone lines over there get turned off so even though Shane is safe he cannot call yet. I'm trying to stay positive and could use positive thoughts right now!!

Sunday, December 25


I can post this photo of the paint can I made for my friend Tracy. I stuffed it full of movie tickets, Goldshlager and hot cocoa, peppermint meltaways(of course), and a cookie! It's too cute and you should have seen the women checking me out at the hardware store wondering what I was going to do with all those empty paint cans...then they finally asked and I have to say when it comes to talking about something you love don't you feel as though you glow while explaining it. I know I do! I was standing in line thinking to myself please ask me why, please I want to tell you, okay good you are asking! Phew! So dinner was good tonight but I miss Shane. Christmas can be such a romantic time of the year and I miss him. One of my favorite things is to sit in a dark room, with the tree lights on and cuddle...and then something more..nice. That's what we normally do each year. I hope everyone had a great holiday. Love the cans! Can't wait to make more. Take care.

Friday, December 23


I have way too much!! At Thanksgiving time I stopped by the Hickory Farms stand at the mall and was offered some white chocolate peppermint meltaways. Can I say it's like a kiss of heaven. So I bought a bag and shared it with everyone during Thanksgiving. Well last week I went back to the mall to stock up on more. I wanted some friends to try them, they'd make a good gift for the neighbors, and Tricia is coming in January and I saw it as a must for our all night scrappin'. I look for them and don't see them. The attendant says they are sold out nation ,wide! Nation wide? She says, "yes and we're not getting anymore-they're gone!". I say, "that is really devastating news, I have to have them!" Sorry she said. Sorry, like that helped. Well I get home and look them up on their website. I can get them! Yeah! So I think I will order five bags. When I check out I'm confused on why it cost eighty dollars but okay they are real good and I couldn't remember what I paid in the mall. Fast forward the week...they arrive yesterday. Five cases of them!!! So many the thought is turning my stomach. How did I do this. I really need to pay more attention. I now have five cases of these wonderful morsels.

So ladies I have joined a dorm! Well me, Vanessa, Tricia, and Tricia's sister-in-law have joined with six other women. I'm not sure if all were or only some but they were the Survivor dorm at Minneapolis this year!! I am very excited and some of them are taking the same track as I! They have started a blog that we are all moderators of you can check it out at: I'm also signed up for a secret sister swap for the CZ track. I'm excited about that as well. We must do a secret gift in Feb. then one in March and then one when we arrive for class! How exciting is that. A gift from a stranger and I get to give one! I've got lots of ideas.

Well ladies have a great Christmas! We are very excited for Santa's arrival here. I'm anticipating a Green Day CD! We are having croissant french toast and egg casserole that morning and then we head over to Tracys for ham, brussel sprouts, scalloped potatoes, and various deserts. We are also exchanging gifts and I so wish I could post what Tracy's looks like! I will have to do it after Xmas. Have a great holiday and Chris you never posted your cookie weekend! And to all a good night.

Tuesday, December 20


My son had his band recital at school last
Friday. Isn't he cute. He plays the alto
Saxophone. On parent teacher night
the band instructor said she could think
of ten children musically inclined-mine was
one of them! He sounds so good and with
all the squeaks and whistles I love to sit
and listen to him play!
So I know I said I would post after I scrapped a little well I did. A few of the wives not going home for the holidays decided we would exchange gifts. It's hard to know what to get. Well I got these new papers today that are bright orange and blues and yellows and greens and well I knew just what to do! I had to make a mini book because I could just see my friend's son filling the pages with his blue eyes. So I made an album as one of the gifts. It's the small 4x6 Preservation album by SEI and the papers by Sweetwater. It looks real nice! I'm off to make another album now but had to post. I have not liked not putting up a picture the past couple of posts. Have a great week everyone! I ran 1.5 today without stopping and it felt incredible!

Monday, December 19

I am determined..

not to post another photo until it is a scrapbook project, which will, hopefully, be tomorrow since I have started a paper bag Xmas album. I want to thank Mel. Last night we were messaging and she mentioned how much weight she has lost-REMARKABLE! I am really impressed. She inspired me to get moving. I was doing very well before my father passed but with all the traveling and eating out and the holiday for two months I've been off my game. I haven't been working out either. So this morning, which was cold, I got up. Ate some Cream of Wheat-a childhood favorite-and put on my running shoes and off I went. I took my dog Jesse, who at 100 pounds could use the exercise as well. I started off a brisk walk and got into a jog. Near my house is some country living. Farms and acres of land. So we went. It was cold, gorgeous, and very refreshing to be out there living again. Did anyone see Morgan Freeman on 60 Minutes? He said, "life has been very good to me and the biggest way to repay it is to live it." I might be off on some of the wording but that was very powerful to me. I have been in a funk and not enjoying what I have. Shane is absent and my father might be gone but I do have a good life, a great life, I do love my life so I'm back out there. Going to step outside the box a little more. Mel also inspired me to do what I know. Cut back on my portion size and so I did today and I drank alot more water. I am back to being commited to health. Thanks Mel!

Friday, December 16

the big picture..

I received this in the mail today at about 430 and it's 830 and I've just finished all 132 pages. I must say it's the best book related to scrapbooking that I've read in a long time. I really knew nothing of Stacy Julian but saw her in Minneapolis and thought okay. Well get this book! It's awesome. I've spent this year not so much scrappin' but reorganizing my supplies and how I keep things. I've never thought of doing that with my albums but I've been unhappy at how my albums are arranged. That is all about to change! I was thinking of Boston and I really hope she is there because I am signing up to take her class. After all I've learned the past couple of years she has brought it full circle in an organizational kind of way. So here are the teachers I've had:
Faye Marrow Bell, Ali Edwards, Donna Downey, Cathy Z., Lisa Bearnson...there have been others but those stand out. Here are the ones I'm wanting this year: Stacy Julian, Tracy White, Heidi Swapp, and Becky Higgins. I am excited to get them checked off.

Thursday, December 15


Say a few kind words to my gal Tracy. Her kitty cat went missing the other night and today she had to bury's been a rough time for her. I would love if my ladies could give her some kind words. Her blog is on the right and it's under-Tracy! Thanks ladies!


Hungarian Shortbread

1 jar polanar all fruit-raspberry
4 cups of flour
2 tspn. baking powder
1/4 tspn salt
4 sticks unsalted butter
4 large egg yolks
2 cups granulated sugar

Mix butter, sugar, and egg yolks. Then put mixer on low and add dry ingredients. Roll into a ball and cut in half. Shred one half into 13 by 9 in. glass pan. Top with jar of fruit preserves. Shred other half of dough over the top. Give a little press and bake at 350 for 40 minutes.

Let me tell you this is the best holiday desert there is! I don't make it often due to the four sticks of butter but man it's crumbly, it's sweet, serve it warm, and it melts in the mouth!

A highschool friend of mine is a pastry chef. One day he brought me some of this hungarian shortbread. He only brought two warm pieces-it was so good. Then about six months later we are walking home from midnight mass on Christmas Eve and we walked by his house and I could smell it. Well you know I knocked on his door and told him to pony up with the goods. So the kids and I went in and were given some hungarian shortbread and some hot cocoa (his wife taught me the key to that which I will share at the end). In February we moved to Texas and when we stopped by to say goodbye they shared the recipe and the story with me.

As you know he's a pastry chef. A few years back Julia Childs had come into his restaurant and he came out and asked her what her favorite pastry desert was. She said the Hungarian Shortbread. Well of course he had her cookbook so he looked it up and has been making it ever since. It's good stuff! So here is a recipe that I associate with the holidays and I hope that you will enjoy. Just a word-if you have a hand held mixer you will not be able to mix with it. It must be some kind of stand mixer, this recipe is why I asked for a Kitchen Aid for Christmas. Oh and the cocoa. Make your normal hot cocoa and add a shot of Goldshlager to it-sounds gross-I've made lots of friends with that recipe this year. So Vanessa, Chris, Mel, and Tracy what is your favorite holiday treat?

Wednesday, December 14


I'm nervous today..registration-ugh! I was going to take a pic of me being nervous but no I decided to post this instead. I love this quote because I feel this way-friends and family. I love to entertain or host, and most people know that about me. The luau ladies-we're bloggin' it! I tried to find my dictionary for the word mundanities but I'm still searching. Have a great Wednesday.

Monday, December 12

am I?

Hello ladies! I hope everyone received their shirt okay...I'm hoping the sizes aren't off too badly. Some got baby tees but that was due to what was available. Tricia got a bigger one but that's due to her expanding belly. Anyhow, I think we are all scrappalicious...good thing I have a shirt so I know how to spell it! I wish you a Merry Christmas- knowing you guys has brought so much to my life and something to look forward to each year with our trips. That is my own and with numerous roles in life having that is well-it's a good thing~yes I'll thank Martha! So thank you guys! I think we are if we, I could only get the circle journal going! I look forward to all of our years to come as friends!

Sunday, December 11

seeing old friends

Shane met up with a few friends over the weekend while in Kuwait. Mike Hallman is on the left and he was stationed in Panama City Beach Florida with us and our families spent most weekends together. On the right is Beau Woodcox and we were stationed in Hawaii with him. Shane was down in there neck of the woods, near the water of course, and Mike and Woody went out to meet him. I must say I was a little jealous they were able to see my husband and I cannot. He called tonight from Kuwait and I will here from him again on Tuesday. My daughter is having a tough time without him. She seems so sad anyone have any ideas on how to cheer her up? I do try she's just had a rough end of the year with Shane leaving and her GPA passing away...two of her favorite guys aren't close. This weekend was good. We went and saw Narnia which was a very good movie but I must say I'm looking forward to Memoirs of a Geisha, Brokeback Mountain, and King Kong. I also made an awesome pot roast, got some on line shopping done, hung a quote on the wall, and went to Chuck E Cheese's. We also put a week behind us so that was nice! I hope everyone had a great weekend...ooh saw March of the Penguins and if you haven't seen it-Rent it! It was great!

Wednesday, December 7

She's my....

brown haired girl! So when we lived in Hawaii, and Florida Devin's hair lightened...well when we moved to Alabama to keep the highlights we would highlight it blond....well she's been saying she wanted to go back to her natural now she is. A spitting image of me you say? I say she looks five years older and I almost cried when I saw her. I pictured her as a high school grad, a wife, a mother, who knew hair color would do that. It probably hasn't helped that she started her period last month. I wish we could slow down a bit. But I really want to speed this year up too! One day she'll be gone. I swear my mom couldn't wait for that-I mean she could but she couldn't. I don't ever want my kids to leave. Is that normal? I mean I want to leave sometimes for a short vacation but I don't want them going anywhere. Oh and guess what? 80 degrees over the weekend and right now my driveway is a sheet of ice. I'm sure school will be canceled and it makes me miss the northern states. I'm sitting right now drinking some hot tea wishing I was up north. Chris I meant to tell you that as a family we are very familiar with candlepin...and yes I suck at that too. I swear when I was little we called it duck pin. Does that term get used in NE? And Mel could you promise some BJ's or some Back door lovin' for Chicago...might work. Seems like a perfect gift for all your hard work with your weightloss!

Tuesday, December 6


Shane has made it to Iraq...he stopped in Maine first and was greeted by about fifty older women giving out banana bread and cell phones so the soldiers could make a phone call home for free. Shane said one lady demanded to give everyone a hug...I want her job when I'm sixty! How sweet is that? Shane then flew to Germany and left shortly after for Kuwait. He arrived Sunday night...early Monday morning.

Chris thanks for the info on the pink tree! It is too cute and I can see some cute hand made photos..want the big one but am getting the small one! So we just redecorated our bedroom-the day before Shane left we were painting the room. I would never have done the toille, don't think I'm spelling that right, if it weren't for being a scrapbooker. I am so happy that I did. I love sleeping there! Just wish Shane was with me. My kids have been taking turns but I am ready for a break! I like to watch the news in bed at night, or read when i want to but with them I can't and I don't sleep as well.

On a bowling update-top score last night was like 110 but previous game was an step up..two steps back! Back to the drawing board. Only a couple more days away from Albums registration. I sure hope we all get in! Take care!

Saturday, December 3

he's heading out

well he's heading for Iraq today..well Kuwait and in two weeks Iraq. I can't imagine leaving for a year and I know his heart is breaking. We will be hurting too but we have each other and our routine. He'll be in a sandbox, comfortable, but not home. I can't tell him enough what he means to me. He's my life. I can't wait for the rest of our lives. We're good. I will be here waiting for him, so pray that he returns home back to us-SAFE! We love you babe. I will practice my bowling and maybe by the time he returns be more of a constant threat. I am counting down the days until we meet up in the summer for vacation. Good times.