She's my....
brown haired girl! So when we lived in Hawaii, and Florida Devin's hair lightened...well when we moved to Alabama to keep the highlights we would highlight it blond....well she's been saying she wanted to go back to her natural now she is. A spitting image of me you say? I say she looks five years older and I almost cried when I saw her. I pictured her as a high school grad, a wife, a mother, who knew hair color would do that. It probably hasn't helped that she started her period last month. I wish we could slow down a bit. But I really want to speed this year up too! One day she'll be gone. I swear my mom couldn't wait for that-I mean she could but she couldn't. I don't ever want my kids to leave. Is that normal? I mean I want to leave sometimes for a short vacation but I don't want them going anywhere. Oh and guess what? 80 degrees over the weekend and right now my driveway is a sheet of ice. I'm sure school will be canceled and it makes me miss the northern states. I'm sitting right now drinking some hot tea wishing I was up north. Chris I meant to tell you that as a family we are very familiar with candlepin...and yes I suck at that too. I swear when I was little we called it duck pin. Does that term get used in NE? And Mel could you promise some BJ's or some Back door lovin' for Chicago...might work. Seems like a perfect gift for all your hard work with your weightloss!
Wow, she does look so grown up! I got a picture of my 3yo nephew yesterday, and it doens't look like him at all!
I'm jealous of you gals going to CKU in Chicago. Wish I coudl go, but would have needed to been saving. I'm in debt as it is, so no way can I pull it off now. But after Christmas I'll start my savings for Boston, and I should be good to go. We'll have to do some bowling when you come out for that trip. :)
And my tree collection has been growing. It's a sickness, I tell you. I now have a pink tree on my desk at work, a silver one on the dining room table, the original pink tree in the kitchen, and last night I got a green (non-tinsel) tree for my scraproom. Must stop buying trees! I'm not going to have any place to put them when the holidays are over.
Oh wow - she is really grown up with the hair cut & the new color. It looks so nice on her ... and you're right in that she looks just like you! Not to freak you out, but before you know it she'll be telling you she's getting married.
And I have to say I was laughing hysterically when I read about the potential favors to Dan. He actually came into the office because I was laughing so hard and I told him that "if we're both good, this could be benefical".
He gave me a quizzical look and went downstairs. :)
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