Friday, December 23


I have way too much!! At Thanksgiving time I stopped by the Hickory Farms stand at the mall and was offered some white chocolate peppermint meltaways. Can I say it's like a kiss of heaven. So I bought a bag and shared it with everyone during Thanksgiving. Well last week I went back to the mall to stock up on more. I wanted some friends to try them, they'd make a good gift for the neighbors, and Tricia is coming in January and I saw it as a must for our all night scrappin'. I look for them and don't see them. The attendant says they are sold out nation ,wide! Nation wide? She says, "yes and we're not getting anymore-they're gone!". I say, "that is really devastating news, I have to have them!" Sorry she said. Sorry, like that helped. Well I get home and look them up on their website. I can get them! Yeah! So I think I will order five bags. When I check out I'm confused on why it cost eighty dollars but okay they are real good and I couldn't remember what I paid in the mall. Fast forward the week...they arrive yesterday. Five cases of them!!! So many the thought is turning my stomach. How did I do this. I really need to pay more attention. I now have five cases of these wonderful morsels.

So ladies I have joined a dorm! Well me, Vanessa, Tricia, and Tricia's sister-in-law have joined with six other women. I'm not sure if all were or only some but they were the Survivor dorm at Minneapolis this year!! I am very excited and some of them are taking the same track as I! They have started a blog that we are all moderators of you can check it out at: I'm also signed up for a secret sister swap for the CZ track. I'm excited about that as well. We must do a secret gift in Feb. then one in March and then one when we arrive for class! How exciting is that. A gift from a stranger and I get to give one! I've got lots of ideas.

Well ladies have a great Christmas! We are very excited for Santa's arrival here. I'm anticipating a Green Day CD! We are having croissant french toast and egg casserole that morning and then we head over to Tracys for ham, brussel sprouts, scalloped potatoes, and various deserts. We are also exchanging gifts and I so wish I could post what Tracy's looks like! I will have to do it after Xmas. Have a great holiday and Chris you never posted your cookie weekend! And to all a good night.


Blogger ~Mel said...

5 cases?!?! Holy sweets batman! looks like the lot of you will be hopped up on sugar for quite some time. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend with lots of laughter, love & happiness!

6:01 AM  

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