Monday, May 29

Shane fought the vine....

and the vine won! Last year we had two flowers from this vine. I think one of my first blog posts was a picture of the beautiful purple flower, well it's back. I was so mad at him for pulling what he called a "weed" out of our bush bed. It was our only flower and got there naturally so I just wanted to leave it be. He yanked it out before I knew what he was doing. Well, it is here again and I will let it grow and grow and grow.

We have done nothing lately. Nothing that I feel I have to report. We've been busy with house work. Yesterday Devin washed the cars, Drake mowed the grass, and I weed-eated the yard. I really like the weed-eating part. I put on my I-Pod and go to town. I'm excited for Brittany to come up tomorrow. The house is clean and all ready for her. I just have to go get some stuff to grill. I was thinking lots of grilled veggies. Yum! I also need to pick up some umbrellas for our rum filled drinks. Shane will be home in less than thirty days and that has consumed my thoughts. I can't stop thinking about seeing him naked. I'm sorry, but it's true. I'm obsessed! Oh I have to tell you I feel I have lost any mojo I thought I had. No feelings on the scrapbook side. I go in my room and look around. I can't seem to sit and do any. I'm really going to try and do some today. Anyone else feel that way?
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Blogger itsjustshannon said...

Pretty flowers! Its good that he lost the battle.

Totally know what you are saying about going into your room, looking around and not being motivated to do anything. I haven't touched anything in almost 2 weeks. I go through that at times. When I am hot, I'm hot...when I am not, well nada.

Too excited for you to have your hubby home!

10:19 AM  
Blogger ChristyR said...

you dirty, dirty girl. =)maybe you should be a harrlequin romance novelist.

2:40 PM  
Blogger ChristyR said...

could she be missing her man?? i think he is out of country right now himself...i would be willing to share shane for a price...ok well maybe not..but Britt your man will be home soon!

3:38 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

Those are pretty flowers. And yay for Shane coming home soon! the month will fly by!

My mojo is also gone. I've had a LO sitting out on my table for about a week now. Need to actually do something with it.

5:30 PM  
Blogger Nicole said...

Mojo always comes and goes around here. I have a project that i was so excited to do and well got the supplies and that is where it sits. Oh well! I agree that you have a lot on your mind right now and well scrappin doesn't have to be a priority.

Love the flowers! We had a bleeding heart bush that the dh and kids decided to dig up two summers ago, boy did I scream. But this spring it is coming back with vengence, love it!

7:03 PM  

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