Monday, October 31

Happy Halloween!!!

I love this holiday! We went to a costume party over the weekend. Shane went as "Your Momma". He dressed like a hooker and wore a name tag that said-Your Momma. This is a friend of ours Curt who was The Dude from The Big Lebowski. Great party. Lots of creative people out there. One girl was a cereal killer-she had stabbed tiny cereal boxes that were glued to her shirt! There were many more cute ones. Today we are off to buy pumpkins because we haven't done it yet! I can't wait to make some seeds, see all the kids knocking on the door, the scent of burning pumpkins, and all the candy my kids will bring home. It's the only time of year I will eat certain candies like Bit O' Honey or Bottlecaps! My husband will go straight for the Mary Janes-YUCK! Hope everyone has a spooky night!

Wednesday, October 26

It's Good To Be Home...

we're back in Texas. It feels nice but when we landed we realized that neither Shane nor I had our car or house keys-we left them in Virginia! So we're in a rental! Tonight we go turn that in and hopefully our keys will be here so we can pick up our truck! It's good to be home! I spent the day cleaning and unpacking. It was hard being in Virginia without my dad there. He died in his sleep on mine and Drake's birthday. I'm so glad he went in his sleep because my mom suffered so badly from cancer. My kids are hurting right now because they were close to him. I don't know how I ended up parentless at the age of 34? It was good to see alot of my family and friends while I was home. Oh and went in the Recollections scrapbook store-how come no one told me how great it was! I'm about to drop some mad cash there. They have everything and I want everything there is. I will be back in Va. in a couple of weeks. Drake gets his cast off next week-Halloween day! We have a Halloween party to go to this weekend that I'm excited about. I was asked to take some professional type photos for a friend-I am excited about that too! Okay enough about what is exciting-also tonight we are going to Pan Wei for dinner...can't wait to get some oriental noodles-love that place! Take care and thanks again everyone.

Saturday, October 15

this week!

So my son turned 12 and I turned 34-on the same day!-it's always special for me....I love that his birthday is on mine! We went to Red Lobster and I swear the two times I've gone to the one here we don't even make it home without having to make a pitstop-the poor toilet we stopped at last night was Target...we just couldn't make the next four miles to our house. Turning 34 was kind of sad-Next year is 35 and then in five years after that I'll be 40....I didn't know I could get that old! For those of you past 40 I'm sure you feel my pain. But Bring It! I worked all week which is why this is not updated. I taught 1st grade on Tues, Weds, and Friday-loved it the first two days the kids were great, all hugs and smiles. Thursday I did middle school 7th grade and really liked it. You have a new set of kids every fifty minutes-I like that and that's what I'm going to aim for. Then Friday I had another class from hell-1st graders. In the first hour a cute little imp walked by touched my stomach and said,"you got a baby in there?"...can I drop kick a first grader-wanted to-which really made me feel old because people use to ask my mother that all the time so it made me feel old. One girl peed her pants on the playground and I found out later that she was a foster child. I sent one kid to ISS-IN SCHOOL SUSPENSION-a first grader, for stealing another kid's candy and trying to eat it. I saw the other first graders I taught and they were giving me hugs and I loved it-I just wanted to be with them. We are going to see Elizabethtown today because I want to. Paula Dean is in it. I love her. I want to be her. She looks like a woman who loves to cook for her family. You just walk in her home and she's making you the perfect thing. Could you imagine her as a grandmother?? Oh I so want to be her. When I'm a grandmother I'm going to spoil my grandkids, cook for them, make cookies for them-I can't wait until my kids are in their thirties having children. She's so sweet and just looks like you could just have a good time with her and know she loves you no matter what-she's who inspires me. I like getting together with people and want to get together with my kids all the time when they are older. I tell Shane all the time that it's not right now that the kids will remember it's wehn your older and they are older that they will remember. I know that is the case for me. I love being around my dad, listening to him, taking advice from him, it's what I remember. By the way good luck with not smoking dad! Anyhow she's in the movie so I have to see it. I love to cook and make things for people. This weekend I'm making my homemade chicken soup and it is so good! My gift to my family. Shane's fixing up the garage, my daughter has a date, my son is playing his new games. They both got their report cards and are doing great! I'm so proud of them. Tomorrow is Miami against Tampa-go Miami. I have lots to catch up on today! So what do you think for a Halloween costume-I think we are going to make Shane a kissing booth costume with kisses all over him and I will be the girl in line with my bag of quarters and some really funky teeth wanting to kiss him, or maybe I'll be the preacher's daughter who can't get enough? Two more weeks to decide! I must also say that he blew out all the candles in one breath and mine too! I'm also reading A Million Little Pieces and it's good so far! I will be gone all weekend trying to get it done and then the week after next The Predator by Patricia Cornwell-so I'm off to clean some bathrooms! Oh Tricia is due May 21st! She's cleared for Chicago! C-

Sunday, October 9


Well here we are...excited to go and watch the Miami game...only to come home with a loss and to make matters worse New England won! SUCKS!

Thursday, October 6

Day from hell

Holy hell batman!! So I started teaching and yesterday was such a BAD day! The kids~25 of them~sure pushed my buttons and I just wanted to yell at them BRING IT ON!! I had one girl get in my face and tell me she was going to tell her mama, one kid refused to do any work but he was quiet so okay, they all ate tons of junk-what are people sending their kids to school with??-I sent one child to another classroom and one to the office personally! So you think I'm ready to quit?? Nope-I loved it-loved every challenge, every second, every outspoken child, and I learned so much! So much about me...what kind of teacher I want to be...what some of my strengths are...and my weaknesses. I thought my big strength would be that I can control the kids easily but it turned out to be a major weakness-that's okay! I came home with blisters but the good news-my husband had waiting for me a bouquet of flowers! How sweet is that? It wasn't expected and is the nicest thing. I love flowers! So nice to return home to my family!

Tuesday, October 4

My space

My scrapbook room!! On the door I used rub-ons and it says,"Christy's Playground" I love it and love my area and would gladly share with friends!


Shane's time here is dwindling...he has his first pack out on Saturday, which just puts everything closer. I don't want it to happen at all but almost think if he would just hurry up and leave it might be easier....the waiting isn't fun! Today he's getting all of his uniforms ready for Iraq. We moved here in February and it's October already?? Where did the time go? Have I helped to fit in lots of good memories for the kids to sustain them a year? I can't remember what happened last week-maybe that's how the next year will go-one day it will all be a memory they don't really remember! A flower for every wife of a soldier.

Sunday, October 2

Baby showers and football!

What a busy weekend! Friday was my craft night-great time...Saturday we went and saw a drive-in....made out in the backseat while the kids were on the was like we were in high school again-I suggest everyone go see a drive in and do it-then on Sunday I attended a friend's baby shower. It was nice and the little guy was so good and cute, he has a full head of hair! I love get togethers. Right now we're watching football and I'm hoping my two players that are left will help me beat Shane. I don't want to go 1-3! Ooh my kicker just scored so I'm off to see how many points I have to make up! Hope everyone had a great weekend, I'm waiting to see what my friend Mel was up to this weekend!