Wednesday, October 26

It's Good To Be Home...

we're back in Texas. It feels nice but when we landed we realized that neither Shane nor I had our car or house keys-we left them in Virginia! So we're in a rental! Tonight we go turn that in and hopefully our keys will be here so we can pick up our truck! It's good to be home! I spent the day cleaning and unpacking. It was hard being in Virginia without my dad there. He died in his sleep on mine and Drake's birthday. I'm so glad he went in his sleep because my mom suffered so badly from cancer. My kids are hurting right now because they were close to him. I don't know how I ended up parentless at the age of 34? It was good to see alot of my family and friends while I was home. Oh and went in the Recollections scrapbook store-how come no one told me how great it was! I'm about to drop some mad cash there. They have everything and I want everything there is. I will be back in Va. in a couple of weeks. Drake gets his cast off next week-Halloween day! We have a Halloween party to go to this weekend that I'm excited about. I was asked to take some professional type photos for a friend-I am excited about that too! Okay enough about what is exciting-also tonight we are going to Pan Wei for dinner...can't wait to get some oriental noodles-love that place! Take care and thanks again everyone.


Blogger ~Mel said...

I'm sorry you're going thru such a difficult time with your dad. I'm sure you'll be able to relieve your kids pain, you're a good Mom! Again, my shoulders are always here if you need to vent, chat or cry!
Although it was a crappy situation, it was nice that you were able to take a family photo.
I'm glad you're home safely. Hugs, Mel

2:53 PM  

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