Thursday, October 6

Day from hell

Holy hell batman!! So I started teaching and yesterday was such a BAD day! The kids~25 of them~sure pushed my buttons and I just wanted to yell at them BRING IT ON!! I had one girl get in my face and tell me she was going to tell her mama, one kid refused to do any work but he was quiet so okay, they all ate tons of junk-what are people sending their kids to school with??-I sent one child to another classroom and one to the office personally! So you think I'm ready to quit?? Nope-I loved it-loved every challenge, every second, every outspoken child, and I learned so much! So much about me...what kind of teacher I want to be...what some of my strengths are...and my weaknesses. I thought my big strength would be that I can control the kids easily but it turned out to be a major weakness-that's okay! I came home with blisters but the good news-my husband had waiting for me a bouquet of flowers! How sweet is that? It wasn't expected and is the nicest thing. I love flowers! So nice to return home to my family!


Blogger Ultra Toast Mosha God said...

My girlfriend teaches secondary school kids in a really rough part of bristol.

She has a tough time of it, but it lets her be creative, so even when the kids drive her crazy, she remembers this is a luxury that not many other workers have.

I certainly don't!

that's why I blog!

8:52 AM  
Blogger ~Mel said...

Good for you! Sounds like a really hard day but I'm glad you got stuff out of it and looked at it as a challenge rather than something you never want to do again! You'll give your all to teaching and those kids and that's whats important!

The romantic gesture from the man is very sweet - major brownie points! And what a very cute family photo, it's good to remember the moments.

5:15 AM  
Blogger Ariel said...

Way to go! I am so excited for you! It certainly helps that your family is behind you and you are allowing yourself to learn too. Certainly a time to appreciate the family you have and be a good impression on the ones your teaching! I look forward to more stories from you and lots of luck to you!

9:10 AM  

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