Sunday, March 19

lazy sundays

It's rainy and cold here. We had plans to go do a little go-cart action but the weather has left us in our PJ's and watching movies. I've been getting all of my stuff ready for CKU. I can't believe how quickly this month went, which is good for Shane.

I want to get my scrapbook room put together. With my recent shopping trip in Dallas I have stuff everywhere. I think I will go thru my paper today and get stuff organized-again. It's the one negative thing about this hobby...constantly cleaning of all our stuff. Finding new ways to keep it organized and together.

Here is a picture of the kids growth chart since we've lived here. Drake has grown and Devin hasn't. Maybe she' ll be a late bloomer like my brother was.
Shane and I had a long talk about where we are living next. I guess, and this is all speculation, but they are going to be taking volunteers for Ft. Carson Colorado, Ft. Bliss Texas, and Ft. Sill Oklahoma. The good news is that we are putting in our preference for Ft. Rucker. Who knows where we will end up or when we will end up going-if at all. I'm hoping it will be a Hallman/Revels reunion in Alabama! I can't wait until Shane retires. I'm so ready for it and ready for him to be home for good. He just finished up flying for another company and I'm glad he's back to a somewhat normal schedule. I was worried about him every night he was flying. He hasn't posted anything because his schedule has been crazy but maybe soon he'll have some more photos for us. Have a great Monday all!

Movie V for Vendetta was excellent! Posted by Picasa


Blogger Team Manager said...

Good luck with the re-organization. I am getting to the point where I need to decide how to store my stuff and where to put it. I joked with Abe that I should just start converting the garage now for my hobby room. He said if anything it should be his hot rod workshop. Ha!! He doesn't even own a hot rod, so I think the space should be mind by default. Have a great week.

11:11 AM  
Blogger ~Mel said...

Some days lounging in PJs are the best!!

And I don't think I can see V for Vendetta... I have a think for masks where they scare the piss out of me.

Glad to hear Shane is doing well, I thought of him over the weekend.

5:27 AM  

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