Sunday, February 12

umm umm good

Deliciousness! I make this recipe every now and then. I really like to make it for Shane because he loves it so much. Well tonight I wasn't able to see Firewall like I thought so I decided to cook some grub up. I call it Capt. Crunch Chicken but it's really like Maple Syrup Chicken or something. It's awesome. It is a little on the sweet side. If Shane were here for Valentine's Day this is what I would make for him so I thought I would share it in case some of you aren't into fighting the crowds on Valentine's Day. I will be at swim practice and soccer practice that night so I made it this evening. We went and saw The Pink Panther today. It's a great movie. It's funny. I thought it followed the classic comedy quite well. We loved it and the audience was cheering in the end. I was nervous because it got such bad reviews. Yesterday we finished up the quilt and I'm hoping to get some pictures of it before it gets mailed off. I couldn't believe I forgot my camera. It's gorgeous and well worth the chaos that went with doing it. I got to speak with Shane everyday this weekend and that was nice. He has tomorrow off so he'll be calling then too. I love him. Have a great monday everyone..mine will be busy. Oh! I'm excited my brother is going to be visiting-finally I will see the Alamo! And I will see one of my best friends so that in itself is exciting.

Maple Syrup Chicken:
boneless skinless chicken breast cut into pieces and dipped in flour
1/2 cup maple syrup-real maple syrup
2tblspn. of soy sauce
2tblspn. of rice wine vinegar
2tblspn. of sherry
3 garlic cloves diced-I use six
1tblspn. ginger if desired but not necessary
1/3 cup oil for frying

Heat oil in pan. Dip chicken pieces in flour and brown. In separate bowl mix syrup, vinegar, sherry, garlic, and ginger.
After chicken is browned transfer to a glass baking dish. Pour liquids over chicken and bake in 400 degree oven until bubbly. Remove and serve with can use brown if you would like.


Blogger ~Mel said...

Yah on your brother coming to visit & that you got to speak to Shane this weekend!!

We got a Nor'Easter.

7:48 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

Oooh, that recipe does sound yummy. May need to try it.

8:17 AM  

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