Wednesday, February 8

How cool is this?

Well my father's cousin, Nancy, is our history keeper. She is the keeper of all of how we came to be in America. She has traveled far and near to get our stories by searching old gravestones, going through court house records, following leads, hiring private detectives...etc. Well she has documented it all and a few months back sent it attached to an email. I did not read for the timing was off for me. I printed out this thirty page thing tonight and am so excited at what I found! I knew that she is listed as a Daughter of the American Revolution and that my daughter and I can be with all the correct documentation but I had no idea we go back to the Mayflower! So here is a little of my history. It's exciting! I will just enclose a small paragraph!

William and Susanna White left England with son Resolved. At Cape Cod, on November 11, 1820 according to the old calendar, William was one of the fourty-one signers of the Mayflower Comapct. Two or three weeks later son Peregrine was born, the first English birth at Plymouth Colony. Susanna was widowed in February. She became the first colony bride in May, marrying Edward Winslow, a Mayflower passenger who had lost his wife a few weeks before. At least five children were born to Susanna and Edward Winslow.

So our story begins with the children of Susanna and William-the one who died. And our family had some serious strange names. Some that I find weird are: Resolved, Peregrine, Thankful, Obadiah, Hepsibah, Asahel, Abigail, Eunice, Lazoa, Rudolphus, Almond, Oswin, Cyrus,Cassius, Amos,HARRY POTTER! Anyhow, I think it's neat! Alot of the names are repeated throughout our history and go from 1820 to present day. What's kind of sad to me. If my brother doesn't have any children it dies out. We are the youngest of the relatives...I still have my children but their last name isn't Lewis. Upsetting-Mike let those little guys swim free...get married first of course!

So do any of you have relatives from that far back? I know one time my dad's cousin told me we had a Salem Witch and that we were also related to Christoper Wren the architect in England from long ago. What is your history? I am off to read these pages. The oldest photo she sent was from 1902. I will try and find a way to post it. The guy was hot! Have a great Wednesday everyone!

Edited to add that one of our relatives signed the Declaration of Independence and his name was Josiah Bartlett and he was the first govenor of New Hampshire!! Cool!


Blogger Chris said...

Wow! That is one amazing history. I'm related to Henry Miller, author of Tropic of Cancer, who had an affair with Anais Nin. I watched Henry & June since it's about him. That was one weird movie. Not sure I have any other historical ties.

6:30 AM  
Blogger ~Mel said...

That's very cool of how much history you have in your family. I love stuff like that.

My grandfather did too and did a ton of leg work on it. He traced us back to Daniel Webster (same family of the Webster Dictionary & the same guy as the Daniel Webster Highway in NH).

11:16 AM  

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