Tuesday, March 7

my dog

is morbidly obese. That's what the vet said. Who is a friend of mine. Is she? I don't see it. She looks like a normal dog to me. I know she could stand to lose some weight and years ago some friends of mine joked that she was going to have a heart attack but she's still frisky. When I throw her tennis balls she attacks it-dog on a mission. The vet checked her thyroid before prescribing new food. I was hoping it came back positive so I could give her the magic pill and she would slim down. Results are in-she's fat cos she's fat.

My poor Jesse was switched off of her milk bones. The vet says they are like giving her a snickers every morning. She's now on no fat biscuits. They are the size of my pinky. They went from snickers size to much much smaller. She looks at me in the morning like umm yeah that's not really going to cut it. Then I had to cut her food intake in half and when that food is gone it's off to get better diet food. Fourty dollars a bag! She weighs 94 lbs and has to lose 30. I'll be taking her in every two weeks for weigh-ins. I know it does seem like my fault but really I never fed her too much and she's been on diet food for like six years.
This is generally her position throughout the day. On her back chillin' I love that about her! Posted by Picasa


Blogger Team Manager said...

She looks like a normal dog to you?!?! As her mother you don't see it. I hate to tell ya, but yes she is obese. I'm sure you can whip her into shape, though. She'll get used to her new treats and diet in no time. Gotta love the chillin' shots.

8:39 PM  
Blogger ChristyR said...

Sorry ya'll about it doing that to your comments. I guess I selected to where I had to approve of what your comment was and didn't realize. Brittany I deleted your double post. Mike-don't be cruel about Jesse. Hint of bacon....funny but wrong.

8:31 AM  

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