Wednesday, February 22

Wednesday night crew

Wednesday night bowling...the kids used to bowl on Saturday mornings with their league but we can't do that any longer due to Drake's soccer game. Now we pre-bowl every Wednesday for Saturday.

Yesterday I went and got my roots done. While I was there I had a major hive outbreak. I was resisting taking the steroids but went home and took my seven pills. It was a major outbreak. I took a sleeping pill to sleep and boy did I sleep good! When I got up my husband and I had a date on line and then I went to the gym and worked out. Not too hard but an hour none the less.

So here it is 9o'clock at night and no hives today. I'm happy about that. I have training in the morning. I have been thinking lately about my hair. So I need your opinion. I'm thinking of getting some of those chunky highlights. I have never considered this before but I'd like to do something and I was thinking why not that-what do you guys think? I don't really care for DD's highlights-sorry but it's true. The thought has

been growing on me....I'd like to do it for Mexico and if I don't like it I can just change it right. So we'll see. I hope everyone has a great Thursday. I've got some friends coming over Friday for a night of scrappin and I'm getting excited about it. I love to know I'm going to be creative at one point or another-just feels good. Posted by Picasa


Blogger ~Mel said...

Do they know what's causing the hives??

I don't think I'm one to input opinions about highlights as I always play it safe even when part of me wants to go to the wild side. However, I do agree that if you don't like it you can always have it redone. I'd love to get more noticeable highlights, but hairstylists don't listen to me. :)

Hope you have a good day & you must be excited about your date with Shane!

4:56 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

I say go for the hilights! I've been considering them lately as well. Like you said, if you hate them you can always dye over them. Sorry you had a hives breakout again. Why were you hoping to not have to take the 7 pills? The dr prescribed them for a reason! Plus, I think with steroids they want to wean you off of them rather than have you go cold turkey. My mom takes a rx steroid and she was told to never miss a dose of it. Bad things can happen if she does.

6:40 AM  
Blogger Team Manager said...

Go for the highlights. I was glad when I did it for the first time. And you can change it back if you don't like them. I like the bowling pics. Have fun scrappin'!!

11:15 AM  

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